
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

3D Lego Art for the Ever Expanding Nursery Gallery Wall

Taking a break from Easter decorating while some paint dries to bring you the latest addition to Abe's gallery wall. Remember how I said that Milo was the only brother who hadn't contributed anything to it? We made quick work of remedying that situation.

One of the kids got a Lego mosaic kit for Christmas a few years ago. It was a big hit for awhile, but it hadn't seen much use fact, I was the only one who firmly remembered its existence. I suggested that Milo pull that out and make something for the wall, thinking it would be pretty easy to mount and frame it.

I hope that this post doesn't make anyone too excited about the Lego mosaic kit, because apparently they don't make it anymore, and getting ahold of one might set you back $114 or so:

We didn't pay that much. 

So as you can see from the box, there are a couple of ocean animals that one can make with one's Lego mosaic set. Milo decided on the shark. We had long since lost the directions, but we were able to find them on the Lego website and download them.

I know this post's usefulness is limited by the fact that they don't make Lego mosaic anymore, but pretty much all the kit is is a bunch of 1by1 pieces in various colors (there are a few specialty pieces, too), a clear baseplate, and instructions. It would be pretty easy to either download the instructions and replicate the results or to make your own design.

Milo set to work in his room and came down not long after with his completed creation:

On that Friday night thrift store trip where I bought many bunnies, I picked up a cheap gray frame that I thought would work well to spray paint and use for the shark. For the background, I used a piece of cardstock left over from Abe's mobile.  Then I picked up some white spray paint at Hobby Lobby the next day, and I was ready to go:

I ran into some trouble with the spray painting. The frame was some kind of cloth-like material, and it was really hard to get good coverage on it. There was one corner that, weirdly, was absolutely impossible to make white--the gray bled through no matter how many times I sprayed it. I think the lesson here is "when in doubt, use primer." Once the spray paint dried and it still looked iffy, Dave went over it with some white latex paint and a brush. 

I traced around the cardstock and cut it out to fit the cardboard back from the frame:

Then I attached it with double sided tape.

I used the heavy duty double sided tape to attach the Lego plate. I realized when I started doing this that I was limited in where I could put the tape since the base plate was clear. But it all worked out:

And then I used the same tape to attach the frame to the wall! This is my new favorite thing. It was so incredibly fast and easy, and it hasn't fallen down yet! 

Here's the gallery wall with its newest addition (I've finally departed from the Ribba frames, and I think it works okay. As long as they're all white and rectangular):


  1. That is so cute! Did you consider a white mat? Or would that make the shark disappear? Also, are they super in there? I would be paranoid about one falling off and Abe eating it- though I suppose he's not really up and trying to eat anything yet!

    1. I didn't consider white--I dunno why. I had a sheet of gray, too, and I'm kind of wishing I'd used that. I may switch it out. They seem very firmly in there....if they don't fall out by the time he's old enough to crawl I'll feel pretty confident about their security :). Anyway, in this house, those may be the least accessible to babies legos we have. There will be many lectures for the older kids about choking hazards and babies, I'm sure!

  2. OMG I LOVE IT!!! Way to make some great pixel art :) love it, love it, love it :)

    1. thanks! I didn't even think about the pixel art aspect of it :)

  3. That is so cute and perfect for Abe's nursery. I love that Milo made it for him. :)

    1. Thanks--yes, I'm glad they're all represented now :)

  4. WHAT?! This is AWESOME. Seriously. How are you so creative even while having a newborn?

  5. Wow! This is amazing. We have more Lego's than I know what to do with and this would be fabulous in my boy's room! Thanks for a wonderful idea!

    1. Thanks! It's a really fun project for kids to do/help with, too :)

  6. I love the lego artwork! Thanks for sharing it at Monday Funday. Such a fun idea!

  7. This is so freakin' cute!!! What a great idea to have the other kids add things to the gallery wall.

    1. thanks! yeah, I think Abe will appreciate it when he's old enough to know what we're talking about :)

  8. Those are so awesome! My husband (an architect) has had a lego obsession since he was small. I bet he would love these!

    1. Ha--you never outgrow your legos ;). Thanks, Toni!

  9. I love this! My son and nephew would both love some Lego art in their rooms.

  10. Lego art-I love it! Have been looking for something unique for boys room. This is just the thing! Thanks for sharing:)

  11. Newest follower here! I found you through the blog hop. You have a super cute blog, I can't wait to read more. You can find me at


  12. Love this! Sharing on my fb fan page :) Darling!!

  13. Love this idea for decorating a kids room!

  14. This is so cool!! My kids love legos. I think we are going to have to do something like this for their room. Thank you so much for sharing.

    Ps. I have a link party tonight at 9:00 Central. I would LOVE for you to share this.

    redflycreations (dot) com

  15. Gretchen,

    This could be made with those melty Perler beads too.


    1. It's true! We used to have a giant bucket of those, in fact, but I think I finally got tired of finding them everywhere and got rid of them....


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