
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Fourteen Eggs....Transformed! (Much Like the Bunnies Were, Only Different)

I continue to decorate for Easter. Those who saw this picture (or a similar one) on Instagram:

....will observe after this post that I'm getting pretty close to the bottom of my giant pile of Easter decorating stuff.

Today we deal with eggs, the natural follow up to bunnies, of course.

See that funny white candle holder thing? I picked that up for $4 on my fabled Friday night thrift shopping expedition. I think it might be the least safe thing ever to actually put candles's really wobbly and it looks like it's been repaired with surgical tape in one place. But I liked it, so I got it anyway, and then when I got home with it, I thought, "you know what's shaped pretty much exactly like candles? EGGS!" Well, that's not exactly what I thought. But something along those lines.

I had a few different ideas for what kind of eggs I was going to stick in there, but it didn't take long for me to realize that of course I needed more shiny silver things in my Easter display. So I broke out the Krylon again, along with a bunch of plastic Easter eggs, and set to work:


And here they are in the funky candelabra:

I find the shadow on the wall very distracting, but I couldn't make it go away. The sun is stubborn like that.

Then I had these styrofoam eggs from Hobby Lobby, and I also, it just so happens, had some Little GoldenBooks that I picked up a few months ago specifically to destroy in some crafty project. I decided to use "My First Counting Book" because it had pictures of ducks and bunnies and other Eastery creatures in it.

It's kind of sad that I tore up the book because now Abe will never learn to count, but I'm not about to let my baby's education stand in the way of my craftiness.

After an intense and prolonged search for the Mod Podge ( turns out I had packed it up and put it in the basement for some reason), I got started on the eggs. Basically, I tore the counting book into little pieces and Mod Podged them onto the eggs:

The end result is colorful and a little creepy, because the eggs are covered with little decapitated chick pieces and whatnot:

I put them in an old pie tin that I found at a different thrift store a couple of weeks ago. Vintage pie tins are the new Easter baskets.

Also, I had this....I don't even know what it's supposed to be...this....fabric that I bought awhile back and never knew what to do with. So I brought it down and put it on the old lady cabinet and then set all my Easter stuff on it:

One more project! And then I will stop bombarding you with Easter stuff! I feel much more in my element painting dressers and cutting out whales and stuff, but it's good to challenge one's self with some holiday decorating from time to time, right?

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  1. Look at you! Decorating for a holiday!! *so proud* I love the little modge podged eggs. Granted they were hella creepy when you showed them all goopy- but now that they're dry, they are ADORBS.

    1. Ha! Just trying to keep things real....crafting isn't always pretty!

  2. Great vision for your "funky candelabra"! Very cute!

  3. Love, love, love it! The modge podged eggs are too cute and I love that silver candelabra!

    Jenna @

  4. Super cute decor!! I keep thinking I have loads of time before Easter, but it's going to sneak up fast I think!

    1. I made some extra time for myself by skipping St. Patrick's Day ;)

  5. Your gonna laugh at my post next week but it is very similar to your mod podge eggs! Ha! Guess we are on the same wave length!! They look outstanding!!! Sure beats spending 40 on Pottery Barn vase fillers!!!!

    1. Great minds, right? ;). Can't wait to see yours!

  6. You are rocking that Easter decor. I love those little torn sentences on the eggs. Nice detail. Love the eggifyed candleholder-chandelier thingy-ma-bobber. (Sorry to be so technical here). Looks awesome!!! I am working on some eggs too.

  7. So cute! Even loving the decapitated chick pieces. (hahaha!)

  8. It's pretty early for Easter, but I am also excited making Easter decors.
    Love yours Easter eggs project.

    1. It's sneaking up on us...early this year! thanks for stopping by :)

  9. How CLEVER!

    Must copy the silver eggs thing ... though I think I'll do mine in bronze, since I'm kind of all about warms and bronzes and such.

    And the Mod Podge! Yes. That too! Very cute.

    Anxious to read on ... great little blog ya got goin' here.

    1. ooh, bronze would look really nice! Thanks for stopping by:)


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