
Friday, December 28, 2012

Looking back at.....the last 1/3 of 2012

We moved in to the Boxy Colonial in May, but I didn't get started blogging until September (I'd long planned to do it, but actually jumping in took me awhile). First post September 2, but then nothing else until the 18th. Since then I've done a fair job keeping up with posting. I attribute this largely to blogging being more fun than laundry. So, anyway, I have considerably less than a full year's worth of blog material and experiences to sort through here. But I'm having a lovely time looking back at everyone else's years, and, being an Aries, I can't stand to be left out of anything.

I've spent more time than I should trying to figure out how to decide what my "top" posts are. How are other bloggers determining this? I'm guessing most views is the most common method, but then what about going by most comments? Doesn't that say more than posts that people look at a lot but having nothing to say about? That's what's going on with my "DIY Chalk Paint" post; for some reason (I don't understand how these things work), I'm one of the top things that comes up if you google "diy chalk paint" so I get a ton of views on that post....which makes me wish it were a lot more interesting (I painted a very boring Ikea table in my library--mostly as a way to test out chalk paint without too much commitment). It's my third most viewed post, but it has not a single comment. Dave suggested a complicated system wherein I assign 1 point for each page view and 3 points (or whatever) for each comment. But that sounds so mathy. So I'm just going to look at my top 10 most viewed posts and pick my 5 favorites of those. And now I've spent too much time relaying the story of how I spent too much time thinking about this!


1. Coasters for Christmas

This one's a no brainer, as it ticks all the boxes: it's my most viewed AND most commented on post, and I like it. As I mention in the post, making cheap coasters out of tile is hardly an original idea; I attribute this post's popularity to owls being cute and to its being featured on the Dare to DIY link party.

2. The library--finished! (enough for now)

This one has fewer views than the earlier "library: progress" post, but I'm picking it because, well, the library was more finished in it. The library is the first room we did start to finish (and it's still the only one I'd really call finished), and I love it. I spend all of my computer time at the dining room table, where I have a view across the foyer of my awesome Billy shelves. I still don't have my Strandmon chair for in there....maybe soon!

3. Thanksgiving: Part 2

7th in views, 2nd in comments. I still love my Patch dessert plates. I wish I'd waited to post until I put the runner that came later down. It's pretty. Take my word for it.

4. Nursery Progress at Last!

Finally starting to pull the nursery together made me happy. And whales are awesome.

5. Kvar-fail: the story of a room divider

More practical than fun, but this is a post I would have liked to read back when we were trying to figure out how to do the room divider. And it turned out exactly how I envisioned, which is not always the case.

Honorable Mention: Fire Pit Weekend Revealed!

This was one of my very first posts, back before anyone was really reading (I mean, not that I have millions of readers now or anything), so it didn't get much attention. The firepit was a project we planned before we even moved in, and it's definitely made the backyard more fun and less....barren wasteland-y.

I've got big plans for two more year-end themed posts before New Year's. Next up a somewhat less self-indulgent one, I hope. Although it's kind of hard to blog about your house without being self-indulgent, isn't it?

Linking with:
Funky Junk Interiors


  1. I am so glad you are blogging. I enjoy your posts, your projects, your humor and your self-indulgence immensely ;)

    I have blogged for years, but not as regularly as now. I think I have one post in April, none in June and July... Then I really started picking up in Oct, Nov and Dec. There must be something in the air.

    I LOVE that fire pit. The whale hardware was a favorite of mine. I also really like the shabby Christmas card garland and the Halloween garland.

    1. Thanks so much :). I did the homeschooling blog for years before this one, but it was always more of a way to document kid stuff and never much of a creative outlet. Although of course now that I'm spending so much time on this I'm seriously failing at documenting kid stuff! elusive...

  2. I love that firepit :)

    And... I don't know how anyone else is doing their top favorites of the year. I just chose mine. I didn't feel like going off page views or how many times something was pinned. My ridiculous tablescape with christmas lights was pinned a stupid number of times, and I was not in the mood to "feature" it lol

    I'm excited to see your other year end posts!

    1. I liked the way you did yours, giving them categories and whatnot. But I still like your Christmas light table :)

  3. Any way you slice it - all of your projects are amazing - and my girls would kill for a fire pit! Wishing you a wonderful new year!


Like all human bloggers, I love comments! I make a valiant effort to respond to as many as I can and to hop over and check out your blog if you have one. So let me know you're here, if you have a bit of extra time on your hands :)