
Monday, October 7, 2013

Moving Day

Psst....check it out; I moved to a new URL:

easy to remember, no?

Please come on over and check it out, and update your bookmarks or subscriptions or whatever you have. I will be very appreciative if you do that. I'll probably post stuff in both places for a little while. For the people who adapt slowly ;).


  1. So, when I tried to add your new URL to my feedly, it is only pulling up an RSS of your new comments, not articles. The name it pulls for your URL is "Comments for"... Not sure what's going on, but I'm going to stick with the blogspot URL in my feedly for a while longer. :/

    1. ( comment below was supposed to be a reply to this). ....I spent forever yesterday trying to figure out why it's doing this, and I still have no idea. I THINK the people who read the blog on a feed are supposed to be updated to the new site automatically. It seems like that's happening sometimes and not other times at the moment. So I'm hoping these things just take a little while to get sorted out, and everything will be working smoothly again very soon!

  2. Argh--that's weird and frustrating! I'm getting the same thing....thanks so much for letting me know; I'll see what I can figure out!

  3. Love the new blog - its like the Boxy Colonial blog grew up and got its own big kid room!


Like all human bloggers, I love comments! I make a valiant effort to respond to as many as I can and to hop over and check out your blog if you have one. So let me know you're here, if you have a bit of extra time on your hands :)