
Thursday, September 12, 2013

More About the Library

So yesterday I left off by saying I couldn't yet tell you about my potential future plans for the library because I had to go watch Doctor Who (I didn't mention that it was Doctor Who. It was). Today I've decided to do something extraordinary and actually write the future post I promised.

Oh, first off: I realized I forgot to mention that we did this when we were moving stuff around in the library:

There's that beagle again. That round rug used to be under the chair in the library. It doesn't work in there anymore, so I tried moving it into the foyer, where my overgrown doormat was going to live if it were bigger.

It's super practical there because I can toss it in the washer easily (and have many times). It's cushy, and the dogs love it. I don't think it will stay there forever, but I'm happy with it for now.  I think it's supposed to be pushed closer to the door than it is in that picture; it's too lined up with the other rug. But I cut down the mat under it go under the blue and purple rug, so now it kind of moves around a lot anyway.

But back to the library with its teeny loveseat:

As I mentioned yesterday, more seating was one of the goals when we bought the loveseat and, if you pull out the chairs because they're suddenly too damn big, you don't get that. I'm thinking about two small chairs on either side of the loveseat and then a low coffee table.

Like maybe these chairs:

I haven't seen them in real life to see if the scale is right. But my experience is that Ikea things are generally smaller than I expect them to be. These would be terribly impractical because of the arms; Milo and Dave need to play guitar in the library chairs, so armless is much better. But this one is so pretty.

Still, I might look instead for some vintage mid-century-esque chairs on Craigslist instead. Armless. Sigh. Or Milo can play guitar somewhere else. We have armless chairs in the dining room. They're not that heavy. He can drag them over to the library (where the amp is).

And then I'm itching to find a place for this rug:

And then I have big DIY project plans for the coffee table. 

Something like this:

Or this:

I feel a little silly pouring all this energy into the library when my back porch is practically falling down. But the porch is way out BACK. The library's the first thing you see. Also it's easier and cheaper to deal with.


  1. Those coffee tables are awesome. Can't wait to see what DIY you have planned for that!

    1. Aren't they great? What did people do before they had the internet to provide inspiration?!

  2. I actually like all the MCM stuff you're suggesting. I think it will look nice and clean.

    1. Yeah--I've always gotten kind of a modern vibe from that room.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks, Kenz--I hope so. I feel like I can't get away with too much MCM stuff in my house since it's so traditional, but a little bit here and there can't hurt, right?

  4. You know I love that ikea chair! :) I had that rug a few years ago from Ikea and we loved the look of it so much, but it was really difficult to get the dog hair off of. We ended up not keeping it for that reason. But, then again, our dog is a golden that sheds super lots of fine, long fur which sticks to pretty well everything. Can't wait to see your DIY!

    1. ooh, that's disappointing (but good to know!) about the rug. I swore I would only buy indoor outdoor rugs from now on, since the wool one in the sunroom is already a pain to keep stain-free, but I'm so tempted by this one.

  5. Doctor Who is indeed more important than blogging. It is to me anyway. Are you a Matt Smith fan or more of a David Tennant fan?

    1. We haven't made it to Matt Smith yet! The kids have watched all of them, but we just finished season 2

  6. Libraries are awesome and yours is too. I adore the new Ikea MCM furniture.

  7. Love these plans Gretchen. The circle shape looks fab in the hall. LOVE the Stockholm chair. I want to go sit in it too and have a look-see. Love the black and white rug too.

    We are dr who fans here too. He is great with lunch :)

    1. Let me know if you try the chairs! I don't have any Ikea trips planned at the moment myself :(

  8. Alright you!!! I am digging those chairs you picked from Ikea...the size and shape are small and simple. They don't pull the eye from the beautiful shelves or the sofa....and that rug is amazing!!!! I can't wait to see more! I hope that you have an outstanding week!!!

    1. Thanks, Nicole! It may be awhile before my budget catches up to my desire for new chairs...but I'll get there :)

  9. I really like the chairs you chose, but I also think a Craigslist score could come through.

    I'm honestly drooling over your library. If you just posted a new photo of it every day, I'd come back and never tired of looking at those gorgeous shelves.

    1. Ha--sometimes I feel like I DO post a picture of it every day...I sure do tweak it a lot for one of my more "finished" rooms :)


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