
Thursday, August 8, 2013

This and That.....

Dave is still working on his massively detailed post on how to build a farmhouse table. And I have a small project to write about, but the weather is not cooperating for taking pictures. So here's a catch up post with a bunch of little things that don't need their own posts but that I want to tell everyone about anyway.

House things:

1. If you were this ceramic hen/rooster pair, what color would you want to be, and where (in my house) would you want to live?

2. I have finished assembling my collection of mismatched kitchen chairs! All of them are from thrift stores except for the one metal chair from (I bought a set of four of these, and had been planning to use them all in the kitchen. Until I changed my mind. Now 2 of them are in the sunroom, one is Ari's desk chair, leaving one left for the kitchen). Most of them were eight or nine dollars. The most expensive one was that shiny one on the far end; I paid a whole fifteen dollars for it.

Now I have to decide how to paint them. I was originally thinking of a mint or light aqua, but I don't think that's quite right for the space. Then I was thinking of different kind of green, like maybe Benjamin Moore's Guilford Green.

But THEN I started thinking that I want to be able to move the table and chairs out to the sun room whenever the big kitchen redo happens (part of that plan is a big island with stools to replace the kitchen table), and I want to be able to do that without repainting them all. Because I suspect painting six chairs will be a little tortuous. So now I'm thinking a nice turquoise might work well in both rooms. Thoughts? What's your favorite turquoise?

I also need to reupholster three of them. I didn't really want to buy chairs with fabric, but it turns out that finding six random chairs (that AREN'T windsor chairs, because I already have ten of those for the dining room. Only one of them actually is a windsor chair after all. But a little different) is a more difficult task than I thought....beggars can't be choosers and all. And now! Excuse to buy awesome fabric!

Life things:

1. Dave is back to work, so we're back to doing school. Sigh. I already miss summer.

2. The church behind our house seems to have gotten (repaired?) a new bell. It chimes every hour, and it's lovely.

3. Gus auditioned for Willy Wonka at the children's theater place down the street and was cast as Augustus Gloop, even though he does not look like this:

4. Foster dog #2 has already come and gone (though there is a chance he could come back; the woman who adopted him has allergic reactions to some dogs. No word  yet. fingers crossed)! Those scruffy little terriers are in high demand. Here is Rooster:

5. This week is our easing back into the fall routine week. Next week everything gets crazy. More about that in separate posts, I think. We'll be very busy. Which is generally a good thing. Lazy summers make us appreciate crazy busy school years and vice versa.


  1. If I were the chickens, I would want to be painted high gloss red and live in your kitchen.

    I also vote for turquoise on the chairs and will keep my fingers crossed that Rooster's adoptive mom isn't allergic.

    Happy Thursday!

    Christy @ Creating a Beautiful Life

    1. red, eh? hmm...I do like red, and there isn't enough of it in my house, I don't think....

  2. If those roosters were at my house, they'd be GOLD! haha. Maybe at your house too?
    I love the idea of turquoise chairs! That makes me happy just thinking about it!

    1. Metallic does seem to be getting a lot of votes!

  3. I know those hens want to be gold... or silver. Metallic of course :)

    1. I hadn't originally envisioned them that way, but these comments might be winning me over....

  4. I almost think that with honey cabinets and greige walls, you might want to go for a high glass dark color on those chairs. Maybe a navy or emerald?

    also, I agree with the comment above me that rooster's should be red. I think that's just an inherent mental thing. haha

    1. I'd love a deep green on them....but then I think I'd need to repaint them when/if they move out to the sunroom, and I'm not sure I can handle that :)

  5. Maybe bright fushia-pink roosters? I'm not sure if I've ever seen anything pink in your house? Though, I own maybe 1 piece of pink clothing myself, and yet here I am suggesting pink. Anywho, some little pink roosters would be an unexpected and fun dose of such a bright color! Maybe that's a crazy idea though? Pink roosters? :)

    1.'s true, I don't really have any pink in the house. sometimes I think I should, though!

  6. oh that image of gus is creepy. but i love your chairs!!! i think the roosters should be glossy yellow- like sunshine yellow.
    and i think the chairs would look awesome in red! (looking at the posters above). not sure what colors are in the sunroom.

    1. The sunroom is a pale aqua/minty color...and has terra cotta tiles, so, sadly, red is probably out :(. Yellow! Everyone has a different fun idea...I might have to rainbow stripe them ;)

  7. Rooster couple... Teal? Charcoal?
    I like the turquoise chair idea. I am dreaming of orange chairs myself...

    I love your mis-matched set of chairs. I can't wait to see them all painted.

    Congrats on the part to Gus!

    1. I can't wait to see them all painted, too! oh, wait...I have to actually PAINT them for that to happen. boo!

  8. I'm voting for turquoise too, such a pretty color!
    Thanks so much for stopping by, I really appreciate it.
    This summer has gone by so fast hasn't it? Love the Rooster dog!

  9. Everything looks better in turquoise! Good luck settling back into the routine. Weston starts preschool next week and I'm already a giant mess about it.

    1. Everything looks better in turquoise...words to live by!


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