
Monday, August 26, 2013

Ikea Dream Home + Blogger Style: Bathroom

When Katja at Shift Ctrl Art came up with the idea to get some bloggers together to make an Ikea dream house, I jumped at the chance to participate because imaginary shopping=fun and free! And because all those other guys up there are amazing, so being asked made me feel important and special. 

The idea was for each of us to create an all Ikea mood board (completely unofficial and un-Ikea-affiliated) for one of six different rooms/spaces. Put them all together, and you have a whole house! The rooms were randomly assigned, and I got bathroom. In addition to all the fun, this was a good project for me because it forced me to work on the long neglected blogging 101 skill of mood board making. I used Polyvore for the first time, and I was very pleased with it. It was easy and intuitive. Anyway--here's my bathroom:


I was pretty excited when I found out I'd be doing the bathroom, because my master bath is currently the saddest, most neglected part of my house. I'm hoping that all of this imaginary bathroom planning I've been doing will spill over into some real life bathroom work very soon. 

Ikea does not sell stuff like floor tile or paint (or bathtubs or toilets), so you'll have to fill in the blanks a bit here. Lots of black and white with some soft greens and then splashes of deep purple. Maybe some retro hex tile on the floor:

And then maybe white tile partway up the wall and some kind of soft greyish green paint above that. And, then, you know, since I'm fantasy bathroom planning, let's go with a clawfoot tub and then a big separate shower. Okay, and THEN, when all that is in place, we go to Ikea and come home with all that stuff up there:

1.Fabrikor glass-door cabinet, 179.00:  This is the inspiration piece, if you will. I love this little cabinet! I love the shape of it, and I love that shade of green (they also have it in dark gray and in beige). I like to imagine it in my head filled with stacks of fluffy towels interspersed with pretty little containers and such. 

2. Hjalmaren wall shelf, 89.99: storage! pretty storage even! And places to put all those things I put next to the shelf up there.

3. Koppar table lamp, lilac, 14.99: I'm really enamored of this little lamp.

4. Afjarden bath towel, 9.99: lots of them! In big fluffy piles! I love fluffy towels.

5. Byholma basket, gray, 7.99: put some more fluffy towels rolled up in a couple of these

6. Snika boxes, 18.99: I love these boxes with their pleasantly rounded lids

7. Nassjo candle holder, 7.99: the next few things are silver and purple candles, candle holders, vases, etc. To make things all serene and whatnot.

8. Asikt scented candle, 4.99

9. Blomster candlesticks, 14.99

10. Alsklig vase, 9.99

11. Hemnes/Odensvik sink and cabinet, 429: I was a little conflicted here. This is in the black/brown stain, but I really wish they had it in solid black. They also have white, but with all the white tile in imaginary Ikea bathroom, I thought that would be too much. So black/brown it is!

12. Hjalmaren towel rack, 17.99

13. Lillholmen wall lamp, 14.99: this can be mounted with the light facing up or down. I'm going with down.

14. Stockholm mirror, 99.00: I love the shape of this mirror, and how the bottom ledge makes a little shelf to put stuff on, and I'm crushing on the Stockholm collection in general (I came very close to putting the buffet in here, but just couldn't make it work). I don't even know if this is really the right size for a bathroom mirror. If it's not, too bad! Because I want one.

( is where I realized I left out putting a number on the faucet. And was too lazy to go back and redo all the numbers to put it in. It's the stainless steel Dalskar faucet, $79.99)

15. Byholma chair, 89.99: I like to have some natural wood in every room.

16. Granat lilac cushion, 3.99: to make the chair comfy and bring some of the purple to another part of the room.

17. Stockholm throw, 29.99: hey, it's the Stockholm collection again! How'd that get in there?!

18. Farglav shower curtain, 14.99: I'm really excited about how awesome this is going to look next to the hex tile.

19. Knodd trash bin with lid, 24.99

20. Toftbo bath mat, 9.99

21. Sibbared Walnut Picture, 19.99: I love this so much that I actually bought it once, for Milo and Gus' room. But then we couldn't find a space big enough for it so we had to return it. So I'm excited to put it up in imaginary bathroom.

Make sure to check out everyone else's posts to see all the rooms!

Amber from Wills Casa: Kid's Room
Anu from Nalle's House: Living Room
Ainhoa from A Little Bite of Everything: Outdoor Living
Katja from Shift Ctrl Art: Master Bedroom
Kim from Newly Woodwards: Kitchen

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Work It Wednesday


  1. I love that you went with eggplant and green in your scheme. Since I did the bedroom, we are kind of adjoining spaces maybe, and I used lots of eggplant too. I don't think we could have planned that any better if we tried :)

    I love that glass cabinet too. It has the right amount of everything. Love the poster too. It goes so well with the rest of it. Love it!!

    1. Thanks, Katja--yes, we've got some unintentionally great flow going on, don't we? :)

  2. Love this! I was part of a different mood board challenge for today, but also did a bathroom in similar hues. {Great minds, right?} Perhaps they could be different bathrooms in the same house.

  3. I love the direction you are going with the tile. Really setting the mood! ;) That mirror and that cabinet would look great in the source bathroom you posted. I think they would work so great with the entire feel of the space. Alright let's get started on the master bath!

    1. Yes, let's! That's what I've been saying since we moved in ;)

  4. I have that vanity in my master bath and it's held up really well (we installed it last year), we're very happy with it. I love the color scheme you chose :)

    1. I'm always eyeing the Hemnes stuff, but I haven't actually bought any yet--but I always hear good things!

  5. Love the bathroom Gretchen, especially the colours! I think our virtual home owners liked a few of their Ikea pieces so much that they just had to get two! ;)

    1. ha ha--who WOULDN'T want that little cabinet in every color they make?!

  6. Great bathroom Gretchen! The cabinet is killer. We had to run to IKEA last week to make some returns from our kitchen, and I begged Aaron to let me take that cabinet home with us, but he of course told me we didn't have anywhere for it. And you know, he basically put a harpoon through my heart.

    1. There are some things so awesome you have to MAKE a place for them! I'm glad to hear it's just as fabulous in person...I've only seen it in the catalog so far.

  7. I'm a huge fan of that vanity and the colors you chose are too great! I love the plum and "mint" together.

    1. They're my two favorite colors, so I thought they should probably get together :)

  8. I saw that mint cabinet at Ikea the other day and wanted it so bad! I just have no idea where I'd put it...or what I'd put in it. I need to start collecting things...

  9. Okay- majorly gorgeous inspiration! Love it...think the chair is my very favourite part. Would love those for my dining room! Thank you so much for sharing this at Work it Wednesday. Hope to see you back next week:)

    - Krista @ the happy housie


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