
Monday, August 19, 2013

Abe at Seven Months (plus Gus' August pics)

Seven months! I think I've officially abandoned his white t-shirt AND using his nursery as the default photo shoot location. It was cloudy again, and it's much easier to get decent light in the sunroom.

His six month check-up happened after I did his six month post, so his stats from that, for posterity (because this is the closet thing the poor kid has to a baby book) are that he weighed 17 pounds, 14 ounces and was 26 inches long. This puts him in the 25th percentile for height and around 50th for weight, and makes him my only baby who's been under 20 pounds at 6 months (Milo hit 20 pounds before 4 months). My fat little peanut. He can still squeeze into 3-6 month clothes, but the next size up fits him better now.

Apparently they changed all the rules since last time I had a baby, and now 6 month old babies can already eat practically everything! So he's already tried stuff like yogurt and eggs. He won't eat much of anything if I try to feed him, but does pretty well for Dave.

Trying to crawl is definitely the biggest thing in Abe's life right now. He'll flip over onto his hands and knees any time he's sitting down, try to move forward, get frustrated when he can't (or can't very far or without enormous effort anyway), and then collapses onto his stomach in angry tears. Repeat endlessly. He's getting good at pulling up on things, too. Our days of peace and immobility are very limited.

We've got separation anxiety and fear of strangers setting in now, too. He wants me or some other
immediate family member all the time.

But he's also mostly a very happy baby, babbles adorably, and has a deep baby belly laugh that's utterly charming. He's starting Music Together classes next week, which should go well with his lifelong love of music.

Apparently I'm pretty into black and white lately. Which is sort of a return to my roots.

I finally got nice, toothy grins this month!

So good at standing on his big chunky legs!

I like this one because it shows how he's really playing these days. Putting things into the barn, taking them out. When he's not grumpy, he can play by himself for a decent amount of time.

And it was Gus' month for big kid photos. He got a haircut later that same day :)


  1. Abe is such a little stud! I can't believe he is already 7 months! Wasn't he just born?!

  2. I love the photos of both boys this month! Abe's really starting to do so many new things. I need to get my computer back soon so I can edit my little one's 10 month photos (I'm so behind!).

  3. Love your shots in black and white and oh my goodness Abe is just beautiful! That shot of him with those sweet eyes! There is nothing better than holding these peanuts...i know I am trying to enjoy every second but it is slipping away fast! Pure Joy here!

  4. I love chunky baby legs! So cute! And those pictures of Gus are fantastic!

  5. I love that you take regular photos of your boys! And the black and white Abe pictures are too adorable.


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