
Friday, June 28, 2013


A couple of things:

1. Have you heard? Probably you have. Lots of times. But, just in case, Google reader is going away very, very soon. Like July 1. This is very sad, but the good news is there are alternatives! I've been using Bloglovin' and, now that I'm used to it, I can barely remember why I care that Google reader is dying. Lots of people like Feedly, too, I hear. Both of them are set up so you can import all your google reader info easily. I have a button over there on the sidebar if you'd care to follow me on Bloglovin'. I probably should get one for Feedly, too, but I haven't yet. But I trust you can type boxy colonial into some box or other over there and get things all set up.

2. I'm thinking, since the whole internet is in upheaval anyway with this google reader thing, of doing a switch to Wordpress. Partially because it's more customizeable and all that kind of thing, but, honestly? Also because Dave is trying to build up his portfolio of programming work (he used to be a web developer before teaching and would like to get back into it with some freelance work/possibly an eventual career change), and that would be a good way for him to learn about Wordpress and get some experience with it. And, you know, that way I'm not the one who would have to figure the coding parts out.

But I am not committed yet. I'd love to hear, if you are a blogger and you use Wordpress (and especially if you've switched from Blogger), what your thoughts about the whole thing are. Tell me!

3. Dave's mom will be in town for awhile starting tomorrow, so I may or may not be scarce. I will have to blog at some point about the awesome thing I bought today, of course. And Dave is making something. But it's slow going. And we will be doing Fun Summer Activities with Nana, so there'll be stuff about that sometime. But, anyway, if I'm not here much, that's why!

4. Here's a picture of Abe because a. he's cute b. there aren't any pictures in this post otherwise c. he can sit up and play with toys like a big baby now! Also he got a tooth the other day.


  1. Cutie! Ok your blog design looks so lovely now lady!!! Let us know if you decide to switch to wordpress and how you like it!

    1. Thanks! I'm trying out a more minimalist thing, thinking I can pull that off a little better :)

  2. I have you on my Bloglovin. Surprised? probably not :)

    I am interested in hearing more about your switch to Wordpress if you make the switch. I use our own platform (Web by Pixel) for my blog and love it, but I am also curious about what everyone else uses.

    Have fun with your MIL. Oh and good move on number 4. Just all the way around :) ;)

    1. I will report back with full details if the big move happens!

  3. OOOH! You know what? Andy might want to work with Dave! He's starting to expand into the technical stuff and might want someone who can do blogger to wordpress migrations and all that. Might be a while, but hopefully it could work out!

    1. ooh, indeed! I will tell him to get crackin' so he'll be all ready and knowledgeable and all that if/when the time comes :)


Like all human bloggers, I love comments! I make a valiant effort to respond to as many as I can and to hop over and check out your blog if you have one. So let me know you're here, if you have a bit of extra time on your hands :)