
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Things to do this Summer

There are millions of examples of such summer bucket lists out there, and they seem like a nice thing and all, so the kids and I decided to make one one day. "Let's make it pretty so that I can blog about it!" I said. We did our best. 

We all came up with ideas for awhile first. Then Ari wrote the ones that made the cut down on strips of paper:

....Gus held Abe:

...and here's the list we came up with:

It's easy to get caught up in being lazy and just hanging out over the summer (which we will still do plenty of)....or in doing house projects to the exclusion of anything we're hoping this will remind us to stop and do some fun and different things some of the time. 


  1. That shot of Gus holding Abe is so precious! Adorable! I think your summer list is wonderful! You have inspired me to get on the ball!!!

  2. I am in love with your list and that jar is awesome. I love kid's projects :)

    I think I will just case your list. (case: copy and steal everything)

    Have a great weekend!!

  3. I'm in love with that picture of Gus holding Abe. Your family is wonderful. I hope you're having a great vacation!


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