
Thursday, May 23, 2013

Ari's Room: We Hung Stuff on the Wall

Just a quick post about this little grouping of pictures next to Ari's bed, then we finish up a couple of things this weekend, and we're done! I think the sun room is going to get some more attention next. 

Okay, so on the list I posted the other day, this was referred to as a gallery wall, but really it's a gallery wall light at best. We have these on one side of his bed:

...and the thing that's going on the other side just got here today (I'm saving a few surprises for the room tour next week). 

First up we have....Abe Lincoln on a T-rex of course!

I bought this back before we moved, but after we knew we'd be living here. I had some vague big ideas in my head about it, something about mixing traditional style with quirkiness, blah, blah, blah. We had this big plan to make it part of a big grouping of totally normal pictures in some more public part of the house. And then people would come over and we'd all be hanging out, and then they'd suddenly notice it, and be all, "OMG: is that Abe Lincoln on a T-rex?!" And we would say, "why yes it is!" But then I told everyone who was likely to come over the plan before we could implement it (Dave was very annoyed with me), and anyway the colors didn't wind up really fitting in most of the downstairs. And then I wanted to hang sentimental stuff from Ari's babyhood on his wall, and he didn't want me to because he's so OLD now, so I used Abe Lincoln on a T-rex as a bargaining chip. He got it in exchange for the big A and the lion. 

The big A! I made this collage-y thing when Ari was a baby. It has stuff from a Where's Waldo book on it, including a lion, because Ari's name means lion.

...which also explains this one. This was the tag from a baby shower gift that one of the people from my department in grad school gave us. I loved it so much that I saved it forever.

We found this clock (Michael Grave's Target), brand new in the box, for $4 at the thrift store a few weeks ago.

Also a thrift find. I don't know what it is, but I like it here.


  1. The last picture shows an entry to the Paris Métro! Metropolitain is the long version of Metro, their rapid transit system and the sign in your photo is one of the old ones… They are from Hector Guimard, an Art Nouveau artist…

    (And here ends all my knowledge from design school.)

    Love, Midsommarflicka

    1. oh cool! Thanks! I figured something in France, but somehow I didn't make the metro connection....the lights in it looked like some kind of amusement park ride. Subway fits in perfectly in his room--yay!

  2. loveeeeee abe lincoln on a t rex!

    We have a secret picture in our house- from a distance it looks like really nice gold scroll work on a brown mat, but up close you can totally pick out a skull, 2 snakes, and a bear. We bought it at a horror movie convention, because we're nerds.

    1. ooh, that's even more stealthily subversive!

  3. Love that gallery wall. Let's talk about that Abe on a T-rex for a minute. LOVE him. What a conversation starter. It makes me want to buy some news paper and stick it in the printer and start printing stuff on it too. LOVE!!

    1. Thanks, Katja! It's actually a dictionary page (you have to be up really close to tell)....which is probably even easier to put through the printer!

    2. Oh yes, I can kind of see that :) I love that three column look.

  4. I love quirky art. And my son would love anything on a Dinosaur - because he thinks they are so cool :)
    - Lora

    1. And you could make it doubly educational by getting a president in there ;)

  5. OMG! i have a son obsessed with lincoln- he would love that fun print!

  6. Cute gallery wall! I love the items from his childhood, but I can totally understand why he would be nervous having them hung up. He got a good deal though with Abe Lincoln. My stepson loves Lincoln vampire hunter. It must be a thing right now.

  7. Such a fun collection of art. Love the mix of sentimental and quirky and black and white and and ... Love it all!

  8. Looks perfect! I love old Abe on the T-rex!

  9. You have an eye for groupings! Seriously! Not many can pull different pieces together like looks beautiful!!!

  10. This is a great combination! I'm glad you could use the t-rex as a bargaining chip to add some more sentimental pieces! Ari's room is really coming together.


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