
Friday, February 8, 2013

Abe: Three Weeks Old!

When you turn 3 weeks old, you get a brand new backdrop! I was using a sheet from our bed. But at some point I realized that we were eventually going to need to put that sheet on the bed. That finally happened this week, but not before we picked up this gray throw at Ikea. So that worked out beautifully. And I like this one better, and the camera seems to, too.

This post is a day late, by the way. Because I don't know if you noticed, but I (heroically) posted TWICE yesterday)

This seems to be the week when I am really coming to terms with the fact that babies make it hard to get stuff done. I mean, I knew that, but I guess I kind of forgot. I remember thinking when one of the other ones was this little, "it's not that it takes twice as long to get anything done; it's that it takes at least ten times as long." But he is cute and snuggly, and he will not be this tiny for very long.

He's getting big fast, as far as I can tell from our imprecise weigh yourself with and then without him on the bathroom scale method. I think he's right at or near 9 pounds now. And I think he's strongly considering starting to smile soon.


  1. You have handsome boys. You're going to have to beat girls off with sticks.

    1. I'm ready! really, if they choose wisely, that will be my chance to have some other females around.

  2. I love your little family. You all are SO SO cute. Your boys are wonderful!

  3. I have a girl! You won't even have to train her on attachment parenting and such.
    I can't believe Abe is 3 weeks old already. I wish I could say it gets easier to do stuff, but I have really not found that to be the case until mine are over a year, year and a half, hahaha. In some ways for me it got harder as they left the new baby stage- I had to forget trying to teach when Cormac and Marcos were mobile and making tons of noise! Leo has been a real PITA in regards to doing anything I want to do, until he decided on this little bit of independence... I was able to work out for 1/2 an hour yesterday. He won't let me do that EVERY day, but until recently I couldn't do it at all, so it's something.

    It will all be OK anyway, whatever does or does not get done in the next 18 months. :) It just will.

    1. Yes, it will be okay! I knew what I was getting into (even if I didn't remember, I had your babies to remind me ;)) just takes some time to adjust.

  4. He's so precious!!! I love his grumpy expressions. :D


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