
Thursday, January 17, 2013

Look What I Did Today!

I had a baby! Abraham Barry (Abe), born at 7:24 this morning (1-17), weighing 7 pounds, 7 ounces. Many sevens! He shares a birthday with Betty White and Benjamin Franklin. And he weighed 2 full pounds less than his last two brothers and showed up after just 3 1/2 hours of labor, so we're pretty happy with him so far. Also, he's really cute.

His brothers like him a lot, too.

Shortly after this last picture was taken, I commented that Milo is looking a lot like 1965 Bob Dylan with his haircut these days. He seemed pleased. And why shouldn't he? He looks like Bob Dylan AND he has a brand new baby brother.


  1. Congratulations! He's beautiful and so are those other 3! ;) Hope you get lots of rest and recover quickly! Best wishes.

  2. Congratulations! He's beautiful.

  3. Congratulations to you all! Four boys! Woo! You're brave. Welcome to the world little Abe! I'm so excited to see you. Also, don't worry about your street cred, we will tell everyone you had him at home depot.

  4. Congrats!!! Your boys look so happy with their new brother. So happy for you. Now you have a baby for that cute nursery of yours. :D

  5. Awwww. Congratulations!! Welcome Abraham!! Happy baby moon to all of you!! All your boys look so good!!

  6. Congratulations Gretchen!!! He is a beautiful baby! You make handsome children :) I'm so happy for you and your family. And you look beautiful!

  7. Aww, I'm so happy for you Gretchen! He's yummy, and that's an excellent birthday.

  8. Love the pictures of your gorgeous brood. And yes, Milo is rather Dylan-ish

  9. Wow, congratulations! Thank you for the comment on my blog (I'm amazed that you have the energy after this bundle of joy has arrived!) I hope to be the same after my first that is due in a week! :S congrats again, Gretchen!

    1. Thanks! I'm taking advantage of DH being home and having free hands for the computer while I still can! and hope everything goes beautifully with your new little one!

  10. Congratulations on your little bundle of joy!!! New babies are the best, aren't they? Btw, thanks for stopping by my blog.

  11. Aww!! Congratulations on your new baby! How wonderful. And ALL boys, wow! What an interesting life that must be. :)

    Thanks so much for stopping by The Cozy Old Farmhouse!

  12. Welcome to the world Abe! He's such a cutie. Hope you are all doing well.


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