
Thursday, December 6, 2012

Decking the Nursery Walls

Remind me never to decorate a nursery at the same time I'm trying to get the house ready for Christmas again. It's a little much. Anyway, we did the tree last night and some other stuff here and there, and I'm saving that all up for a grand Christmas post over the weekend for the next Dare to DIY challenge on Monday.

In the meantime, a quick nursery post. I mentioned awhile back that I bought a few prints from Studio Tuesday on Etsy:

I was really excited to come across them because they're lovely, and the perfect colors, and have all kinds of ocean-y stuff. 

Then I decided to use a few of my own photos from our various trips to Cape Cod over the years. I have the prints (8 by 10s) here now (from Mpix, which for the moment is my go to Kodakgallery replacement for prints. RIP Kodakgallery), and they're waiting to go in some white Ribba frames from Ikea (as are the Studio Tuesday prints). Here are the three Dave and I picked, after sifting through an embarrassing number of pictures:

This is from Nauset Beach in Orleans. I loved the light and everything here, but I was wishing someone had left a rustic little dinghy or something for me to get a picture of instead of that kayak....until I decided on some orange for the nursery and was glad it would fit in so well.

Rocks on the very rocky beach in Falmouth, where, until recently, Dave's family had a house. Sadly, I don't like the composition as much in the 8 by 10 crop. But what can you do (you know, other than get a 5 by 7 or something)?

Dave grew up taking the Island Queen from Falmouth to Martha's Vineyard (you can walk to it from his family's beach house), and I joined in when we started dating in college. We'll have to make sure the new baby gets to go on it sometime, too. You can't really tell very well from the picture, but it has orange seats. Pop! I wish that guy up there had left for me to take the picture. Oh well. I guess I need to figure out photoshop and stuff, so I can make things like him disappear. 

It's a smallish room (well, we haven't made it yet, with the curtain, but I'm guessing around 10 by 13? The 13 part is set. Definitely something by 13), so two groupings like this plus the big wooden whale (over the crib? As long as we secure it well enough that it doesn't fall and smoosh the baby) (not to mention board and batten on one wall) may well be enough. I'll have to see when we get it all in there.


  1. That print with the penguins and the tails is DARLING!

  2. I love your photography. And the penguin print. Can't wait to see more :)


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